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Writer's pictureJohn Hansel

Exploring the Most Effective Types of Video to Shoot for Your Brand

Exploring the most effective types of video to shoot for your brand thumbnail, close up of camera lens with lens flare

Everyone WANTS video, but sometimes they aren't sure exactly what type of video they NEED. It's important to understand the different styles of videos that you can use to engage your audience and promote your brand. Are you trying to produce a video that portrays the emotion and feeling of your brand, or are you trying to explain how a product that you sell works? Let's take a look at some of the most popular styles of videos in video production.

Brand Videos

One of those most popular videos out there is the brand video. They are all about showcasing your company's personality and values. This can help show your audience whether your company has a serious attitude, or a more playful tone. Brand videos can also help promote your core values, like if a focus on the environment plays a big role in the business, or if you work with non-profit organizations. These videos are perfect for building brand awareness and creating a basic connection with your audience. By telling your brand story in a compelling way, you can inspire your audience to become loyal customers and advocates for your brand.

Explainer Videos

Does your company have products or services that need to be described to be understood? Then an explainer video is the perfect way to showcase both of those. They can show off the unique features of your offering in a fun and engaging way. These videos can either be live-action, or animated, and show how your product or service works. They can also either be very short in length to accommodate a social ad, or can be a little longer if the product or service requires a more in-depth explanation. If the video starts treading into the long-form territory, then it may be considered more of a How-To video (see below). No matter what, it should be created with the audience in mind, so they walk away with an easy understanding of the benefits of what you have to offer.

Camera operator filming an actor

Customer Testimonial Videos

Having a real customer share their experience with your product or service is a very powerful marketing tool. That's why customer testimonial videos are so effective at building trust and credibility with your audience. These videos feature satisfied customers sharing their experiences with your brand. Most people will look at reviews or Reddit threads before actually purchasing anything. We all want to know whether or not the product is worth the investment, both financially and time-wise. By letting your happy customers do the talking for you, you can create a powerful emotional connection with your audience and inspire them to take action.

How-To Videos

Do you have a product or service that requires a little more explanation than what an explainer video can provide? Then creating a How-to video can be the perfect solution. These videos provide a more detailed step-by-step approach to instructions on how to use your product or service. By breaking down the process into easy-to-follow steps, and getting more granular, whether that be a complete product breakdown, or even troubleshooting, you can help your audience get the most out of what you have to offer.

How-to videos are also a perfect play for inbound marketing. For example, if you have a product that solves a specific problem in the home DIY repair industry, then creating how-to videos around those general home DIY repair problems can help Google searchers land on your website. This style of video can be an effective tool for organic growth.

A woman recording a video in a small studio

Social Media Videos

Social media is another powerful tool for reaching new audiences and building brand awareness. Social media videos are designed to be short and easy to share. They can be hosted on YouTube and turned into an ad if you put some money into them and target a specific demographic. That can be a great way to get brand awareness for your services. Have a product in the cosmetics space? Then targeting makeup tutorial videos would be a great way to get in front of your targeted audience. Or you can just create a video that you release on certain holidays. Sure, you can create pieces for Christmas and July 4th, but there are some pretty fun holidays out there that may line up perfectly with your brand. By creating videos that are optimized for social media, you can reach a wider audience and generate more engagement with your business.

Live Videos

Live videos are a great way to engage with your audience in real-time. Whether you're launching a new product or hosting a Q&A session, live videos through Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube are a powerful tool for building excitement, engagement, and creating a sense of community with your audience. Live videos also fall under the category of event videos. So if your company hosts an event in your community, or puts on a conference, being able to live-stream can reach even more people. It also can create content for you to reuse and repurpose for years.

A camcorder shooting an event video with a large crowd

Conclusion to the different types of video

Video marketing is an essential tool for any business that wants to connect with its audience and promote its brand. By understanding the different styles of videos that are available, you can choose the right approach for your business and create compelling content that engages your audience, supports your marketing efforts, and drives results.


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